Exemplar vs Modwright Oppo 95 Mods?

Has anyone compared these mods of the Oppo 95?
Sorry. Misread the thread. This was stock against Exemplar. In doing the statistics, I had just assumed that the 33% that couldn't hear the difference just didn't have good hearing, but that is not fair. No difference could be as valid a conclusion as liking one or the other. So 44% stock, 22% Exemplar, 33% no difference.
Oh, and the comparison was blind, and a show of hands was made before discussing.
Hi Peter s

Can you say anything about what differences people (or you) heard between the stock and modded players?

Jfz, I have only heard the Oppo 95 with and without the Exemplar mods. Everyone in the room immediately said the moded unit was best. Were I to buy a universal player, it would be the Exemplar moded Oppo 95. I use a Mac Mini music server.
I heard a John Tucker modified Shanling CDP about 7 years ago, and it was the most analog sounding unit I had heard at that time. Not a hint of digital artifact.

The next meeting of the Pacific Northwest Audio Society should include an Audiologist....