Experience w/ Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Tone Arm?

How many of you have the Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Air Bearing linear Tone Arm? Or the older Trans-Fi Evolution Tonearm. What is your experience with this arm, how satisfied are you with this arm, and how does it compare with other tonearms you have tried?

I am seriously thinking of getting the Terminator for my VPI Super Scoutmaster with Rim Drive, but have no experience with linear tone arms. I have found just one person on Audiogon who has this arm and loves it. This fact is somewhat confusing to me, since if the arm is so great, as some people say it is, you would think more people on Audiogon would have it or at least tried it out.
OK, I don't need to waste any more of your time. I just noticed the "manual" available at the Trans-Fi site. It explains all this stuff. I won't need to buy the adaptor kit from Vic.
yeah, shipping for this things is now conveniente as FedEx lowered their prices.
I would recommend you to contact Vic and ask to have them all.
Just buy a step up at RadioShak or wherever and you will be all set.
Acman3, you say you use a pump with ¼” tubing? The ad for the Rena 400 pump at Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/RENA-AIR-400-PUMP/dp/B00025YRK2 ) suggests that it should be used with “Standard 3/16" Flexible Airline Tubing for Aquariums). What kind of pump do you use, Acman3?

I plan to buy the Rena 400 pump. Does anyone here know what size tubing is best used with it? 3/16” or ¼”?

And what size tubing is best used to fit the air intake valve on the new T3Pro? Will the same size tubing fit the Rena 400 pump and the T3Pro intake valve?

The pictures of the air intake valve at the Trans-Fi website differ from each other.
Some (e.g. that entitled: Optional Gantry) show a semi-transparent plastic tube with a white plastic barbed tip. Some (e.g. the first one under Setting VTA & Carrier Tilt T1 & T2 and the second one under Nomenclature) show a metal barbed tip protruding from the side of the tonearm. Which is latest arrangement/design?
I ordered a T3Pro without the pump etc. But seconds after submitting the order I got an email from Vic (to whom I had written about all this stuff) telling me:
"After Xmas, Fedex lowered their transatlantic costs (£35) so it makes it worthwhile to go for the all in price including tank/tubing & pump. Your only outlay is a cheap $10 or less voltage converter for the pump."
So I wrote back to him telling him to include the pump and tank too.
Luckily I had not yet ordered the Rena pump.
Just to add my opinion here. I'm listening to a T3 mounted on a HW-19. Sounds just fantastic. Running a Sumiko Blackbird into a DIY Phonoclone3. Bass is deep and tight, cymbals sound as good as they ever will through my 50+ year ears. The music has a flow and ease to it that is not evident through my TNT/SME-V/Glider set-up. The air supply is also easy, don't fret it. Aquarium tubing is what fits at both ends. Just buy from any pet shop. Only issue here is the noise from the pump may bother you without a box or another room to locate the pump in. Mine is in a cupboard in another room and is silent from the listening position. There is a thread over at the Lenco forum that may help you out. The air pressure that is needed is minimal. I backed mine down until the it skipped and then dialed a bit more in. 0.15 PSI is all it takes!
Now my question to those that have experience with this arm. How do you accomplish setting VTA "on the fly"? I have loosened the set screw, but as I raise and lower the arm, the cartridge skips. Also the thumbscrew seems hard to turn, it raises and lowers the arm but with difficulty. I hate to break something. Any suggestions?