Experience with Argent Room Lens

I would be interested to hear from any members who may be so kind as to share their experience with this product.

The room lens system can make a significant upgrade to most systems. Maybe as much as a new amp. The difference they made in clarity, focus, pitch, imaging, and even bass response in my system and a friend's system were not subtle.
I started with three Argent Lenses, placed them in the room according to the websites hints and was so impressed I ended up constructing three more. I use 1 pair behind the speakers about a foot from the back wall placed behind my equipment rack(there was only one in the middle before I made the next three, the orginal pair about 2 foot in front of the speakers along the side walls to cover the first reflection point, and then added the second pair about 3 foot in front of those to work on the secondary reflection point. I tried a lens behind the listening chair and in my room it caused a suck out.
At any rate, I highly recommend this tweak and believe they can make a significant differnce in most systems.
Sgr, thank you for the reply. I contacted Argent, but it seems the room lenses are not currently in production.

It is pretty easy to make your own.
My homemade ones look and sound excellent!
Look up John Risch.
I'll check that out; I am legendary for my un-handiness but I might be able to recruit my brother in law.

KP, there is a set for sale on audiogon if it has not been sold already.........
Yes, I agree with Sgr, the Argents are pretty effective in taming room resonance.
Good luck