Experience with Argent Room Lens

I would be interested to hear from any members who may be so kind as to share their experience with this product.

KP, I'll cast a dissenting vote on this. I've heard Room Lenses help some systems but hurt others. In general the latter have been systems of greater resolution to start with, in which case imaging takes a turn for the worse. YMMV of course.

Well, you guys may not beleive this but I did flip a coin. My wife dropped the change jar, so there were plenty of them around...

I flipped a nickle: heads - buy; tails - don't buy.

Landed heads... so I am buying the one listed on here.

How's that for scientific?

I've had room lenses for about 2 years. In my previous
set-up with CLS speakers, the room was damped with about
a dozen tube traps. This was way too many for my Alon
Circe's. With so many tube traps, the Circe's sounded
muffled. But with the tube traps removed, there were
room issues that went unresolved. Argent room lenses
solved this issue. With one placed between the speakers
and one on either side of each speaker, the soundstage
was wider and deeper with more stability. You can easily
tune the soundstage by moving the room lenses around.

I am sorry to hear that they are no longer in production
as I thought they were a very useful product and deserved
more success on the marketplace.
