Experienced audiophiles best speaker

We can get a better picture of which speaker is truly better if those contributing their favorites have heard a good number of the top speakers.
Include in your response the speakers that didn't take the gold.
The most advanced efforts by the designers are not successfully pointing the write target (of a care-free, less concious way of listening) but on the contrary their products are forcing the consummers to serve their demands in order to perform a barely acceptable hi-fi sound that does not matches with what our brain has loaded in our mind.
The quality of our lives as audiophiles depends strictly by:
A speaker that makes his owner happy!!!
Not impressive like the latest Grande Utopia, neither as sweet & addictive as the earlier Proac Response 4. (when these two were matched with 600W amp)
Just my favourite over the AvantGarde TRIO.
Mostly because it has the write balance of everything & delivers an unmistakable sense of liveness without any special demands.
This can only be a copy of the "Best Speaker YOU Ever Heard" thread, really, with one major difference: asking what speakers people did not like is a sure recipe for major conflict. Avguy, you spoke wise words!

So, before fists fly, MY personal best is and comfortably remains Tidal Sunray.

And no, I will not just list any good, very good or downright excellent other speakers that were just not THAT good (on a scale of 100 or something equally meaningless).
For me its compression driven front horns. The better designs are the best performing loudspeakers made. They have the lowest distortion, highest sensitivity, least thermo compression, of any loudspeaker design today. Cones domes estats ribbons plasma planars nothing else measures as well or sounds as good.
I agree with Johnk.
The Shindo "Latour" has also a compressor driver : Altec 288
Thank you all that were able to answer the op, to those that like to complain, my apologies that this thread resembles others.
What prompted this thread was; upon reading another thread on similiar lines (best speaker ever) a speaker was mentioned in which I never heard before: Tidal. I was just wondering, those privileged enough to have heard many of the great speakers what were their favs and if Tidal would be mentioned in this thread, which it was.
I have heard too few great speakers to really say confidently that any particular speaker that is best for me would mean much, but from those I have heard the Wilson Alexandria's-x2 and MBL X101 are the finest. Those that I heard and liked very much: Verity Audio, Magico mini's, Vienna Acoustics, Avantgarde, Magnaplan. It's not an extensive list of the top players but nonetheless really good speakers.
Some audiophiles are privileged to hear many of the finest speakers out there, I was wondering those that have heard more than most of us ever can get the opportunity to hear what was their favorite. I find it fascinating to read their responses. A friend of mine who works in an audio shop just heard the latest B&W home theater, he said he never heard anything like it. This let's me know what to check out when in Boston. Tidal too will be on my short list of must-hear speakers.
The best speaker threads of the past mention many speakers by listeners that have never heard Avantgardes or Wilson x2's or Magico or other world class designs.