Experienced audiophiles best speaker

We can get a better picture of which speaker is truly better if those contributing their favorites have heard a good number of the top speakers.
Include in your response the speakers that didn't take the gold.
This list can not be complete without mentioning Vandersteen at any price range -1Ci 1095. too SEVEN 45000.K
Johnnyr Dealer
I am not sure that I understand the intent of the OP? It seems to be something different than simply asking, "what is the best speaker you have heard?" It almost reads as if he is asking what is the best speaker according to those that have heard 100 or more, some type of qualification to the recommendations based on the level of "experience" of the individual making the recommendation, and some type of test to determine if the Tidal speaker would somewhow be mentioned. I am a little confused by it. And yes, one should certainly here the Vandersteens at their respective price points ~ not a dealer.

Hope these don't have to be really expensive speakers to qualify for this discussion.

I heard the Wilson Benesch Curves at the RMAF last year. They sounded pretty good to my ears.