Experienced audiophiles best speaker

We can get a better picture of which speaker is truly better if those contributing their favorites have heard a good number of the top speakers.
Include in your response the speakers that didn't take the gold.
Tvad & Paul

When some one who reads one of my threads and calls me to order a piece of gear I mentioned I will immediately contact you both. Until that day comes however it is probably not worth getting you knickers in a knot.

I trust that goners take every thread and not just mine with a grain of salt. I would encourage that, though I would be satisfied if they would simply take mine with the grain that I include in each thread.

"I trust that goners take every thread and not just mine with a grain of salt. "

That is not guaranteed. I am not a dealer but I believe its a better business practice to disclose than to place the burden on others to put two and two together and risk a negative impression IMHO.
My favourite speakers are the Tidal Piano Cera but I believe the Tidal Sunray has set the limit so high that is difficult to be surpassed by any other speaker manufacturer.
>>07-30-10: Sounds_real_audio
I trust that goners take every thread and not just mine with a grain of salt<<


If you're discussing and/or recommending a product in which there is a financial interest, a disclosure is mandatory.

To not disclose, is unethical and unprofessional.

Get on board; it's painless.
The problem is simply that you should disclose. It will not make you look bad. Proud of and loyal to the lines you represent? Maybe. Sneaky and untrustworthy? No.

Saying that "they sounded pretty good at RMAF last year" when it was actually your room and you don't disclose that at the same time is quite disappointing. Does it show you are proud and loyal? Only if one already knows you and what you sell, then perhaps you think you do not need to disclose, but those people are the people you don't need to speak to anyway. All the others who don't know you from Adam are the ones you are speaking to, and then it is sneaky, and many people would say unethical.

Has anyone yet figured out why Audiogon does not label dealers/manufacturers/etc in the fora? I constantly hear from dealers/mfrs that they would rather not post in the fora because of the possibility that if they talk about something in the same category as they sell or make, they will be accused of touting their own product or running down someone else's. Perhaps if it were all open all the time dealers and manufacturers would be allowed to be more forthcoming with their expertise.

End 'o rant.