Extremely well recorded jazz double bass? cymbals?

I'm trying to decide on some speakers and have concerns about their ability to resolve on stand up bass.

Can you recommend a CD with acoustic, stand up bass on which you can hear the "wood," the "whiz" of the strings vibrating in the air...or just, something with fine detail?

Several of my CDs have great, prominent bass (Ray Brown, Patricia Barber, Diana Krall) but it's not that well recorded.

Would also appreciate something well recorded at the other end: extremely detailed cymbal and drums.

A couple comments on the first suggestions which I've now received. Tethered Moon is extremely nice. The piano by Masabumi Kikuchi is very exploratory and thoughtful, very engaging. Lots of long sustained notes and harmony, and at other times lots of very dynamic, almost percussive, chordal word. Very interesting piano, a far cry from Bill Evans, my favorite. Very enjoyable. The drums by Paul Motian are a match in thoughtfulness. Bass is not prominent, but there appropriately and very good. The recording quality on this is just excellent. Really as good as or better than anything in my collection. Some really intelligent, thoughtful jazz.

The Stanley Clark is a revelation. I remember him from eons ago, but don't remember in what context...more electric funk?
The jazz on this disk is superb straight ahead acoustic work with a great pianist. I have listened 3 or 4 times and love it for the great music. This CD's recording quality is truly exceptional, even better than Tethered Moon. I've been having trouble with booming with my Snell Es in my smallish room, but the bass is so tight and precise, there is no boom, but there is strong bass up and down the register. The quality is very natural, wooden. The real amazing thing though is the cymbals and snare....it is the best I have heard. The sound quality on this CD is even and of amazing accuracy and realness. It's certainly my best test CD now. And terrific, rhythmic jazz. Thanks very much Edorr. I look forward to working my way through the rest. Have the Modern Jazz Quartet but haven't had a chance to listen, CDs arrived yesterday.

Thanks again

Try "Homecoming" by Gateway ie Abercrombie/Holland/DeJohnette for both bass and drums/cymbals reproduction. Also,"I can see your house from here" by Metheny-Scofield duo,especially good in drums dept.I have just cleared the dust this excellent cd has collected for years.Vis a vis both gentlemen's productions over the years,this one is something of a lost pearl!
Glad you like my recommendations. Sound quality aside, this is just very good music. Stanley Clark had done a lot of funk, but he is brilliant Jazzman, and Masabumi Kikuchi is my biggest discovery in Jazz of the last five years.

If you are into computer audio, you may want to download a copy of "Mirror" by the Charles Lloyd Quartet from HDTracks in 88/24 . If you are strictly buying discs, I would get "Sangam" first, which I slightly prefer musically. These recordings create a musical landscape similar to Tethered Moon.
Pierre Favre- Portraits, Christian Jormin- Sol Salutis and Andrew Cyrille- C/D/E stand out as being exceptionally good scores during the last several years of ravenous buying and listening binges...same goes for Jerry Granelli Another Place.

Proof that its a crazy world...you can get the Granelli disc "like new" on Amazon for $2.50 and the Andrew Cyrille for $5 right now at Amazon.
Christian McBride's "Gettin To It" on Verve. It has what youre looking for in spades. The jazz luminaries backing him are Joshua Redman, Roy Hargrove, Cyrus Chestnut, and Lewis Nash on drums. One cut, "Splanky" even has a bass trio consisting of McBride, Milt HInton, and Ray Brown!