Fellow phile Needs Help Bias for Krell.

Could someone please tell me what the correct bias voltages for the Krell KST 100 is. One side of the amp gets warmer then the other side. I suspect the bias may have drifted a
bit through the years.
Thanks in advance..Mike.
Contact the service manager at Krell:

SLeckrone@krellonline.com (Steven Leckrone)

Agree with Richard, Krell service is very good, if you can't get through on the phone when you call, they will call you in a very short time. Krell backs up and still services their old product's with the same care they give there new product's and they will help you out on this.
I'll agree with the great sevice of Krell. I wrote an email and about an hour later I got a call! Never had that happen before, especially over a trivial question about one of their entry level amps.
Thanks folks,I'll give it a try. Someone told me that Krell
would'nt give out that info.
