Flat Screen Recommendations: 50 to 60 inch

I'll consider any option, LCD, Plasma, "internet" TVs, etc.
Just want something that will look good out of the box. We watch DVD movies, stream from a Roku box, and news and a few stupid shows from cable TV. Will get less than 10 hours a week of play time. Interested in all opinions and experiences with current models.
Thank you in advance.
I initially bought a Toshiba Plasma because it looked the best at Costco and because from what I had read, plasma had the more vivid colors/contrast... However.. Now that the LED Backlit LCD televisions are here... I think the game is over... Again.. the Samsung or LG LED/LCD TVs are available around 1600-1900 for 55"... Kinda impossible to beat..
Backlit LCD is still trumped by Plasma, its getting closer all the time but we are talking about today and not a year or so from now. But buy what makes you happy cause even if its not quite as good its not like your ever gonna do direct comparisons in your home.
My son-in-law just got a 42" Panasonic Plasma and the picture is knock-you-over fantastic. Beats the heck out of my Pioneer plasma, and my Sony.