Floorstanding Speaker Feedback

Am considering a small(ish) pair of floorstanding loudspeakers and am trying to narrow the possibilities for our downsized retirement home. They will be paired with a LSA Statement integrated amp. They need to be nearly full range (30hz- ish) and need high WAF. Room is open concept, fairly large (600 sq. ft and adjacent to other rooms). Mostly jazz, classical, female/male solo voice, etc. Nothing loud nowadays. Will be replacing best speaker "system" I've owned (A heavily modded pair of Van L. Speakerworks - of Chicago - Quartets and a pair of REL T-7 subs). The short list so far are: Revel Performa F208, Dynaudio Focus 260, LSA 2.1 Statements, Usher Mini Dancer 2's and Vienna Acoustic Baby Grands. Budget is $3000-$5000. Have also considered DeVore . . . but the Orangutan o/93 are a tad outside the budget. Anyone who is familiar with any or all of these care to comment? Appreciate the feedback as I narrow my "search".

FWIW, Quad Electrostats are one of the speakers that I auditioned and delivered the kind of sound I was looking for to replace a pair of older Magnepans before I settled on OHM Walsh a few years back, for a fraction of the cost. The OHMs tend to deliver a lot of sound out of a smaller WAF friendly package, including excellent dynamics overall in particular. Also they are fairly omnidirectional and sound similarly good from most any listening location in a room, not just the "sweet spot".
Thanks Mapman. You know, I didn't realize Ohm was still around. Don't know why they weren't on my radar. I used to listen to them years ago (early 80's) at a local brick and mortar shop. Always liked "their look" and honestly don't remember a thing about them sonically. I would imagine they have evolved over the years and are a much different speaker today??? You have given me some food for thought. Am sure they have their pros and cons . . . like all speakers. Something to research.
"I would imagine they have evolved over the years and are a much different speaker today??? "

OHM Walsh sound has evolved to remain competitive. More refined and detailed. The latest are 4th generation/revision since originals in early 80's.
I would go with the Sierra Towers from Ascend Acoustics at the $2K mark for my retirement days, which are not that far away.

I own the Sierra 1 monitors and absolutely love the sound.

There is a 30 day guarantee.

I'd say Revel F208's, especially if you like electro stats. I don't consider them small but sure would be nice in a 600 sq ft room. I'm sure you've read the reviews. I've spent some time with them and I personally fell in love. I've been preparing my wife. I've got some Harbeths with Skylan stands and a huge REL sub that are getting ready to gomupmfor sale on the gone this fall.