Floorstanding Speaker Feedback

Am considering a small(ish) pair of floorstanding loudspeakers and am trying to narrow the possibilities for our downsized retirement home. They will be paired with a LSA Statement integrated amp. They need to be nearly full range (30hz- ish) and need high WAF. Room is open concept, fairly large (600 sq. ft and adjacent to other rooms). Mostly jazz, classical, female/male solo voice, etc. Nothing loud nowadays. Will be replacing best speaker "system" I've owned (A heavily modded pair of Van L. Speakerworks - of Chicago - Quartets and a pair of REL T-7 subs). The short list so far are: Revel Performa F208, Dynaudio Focus 260, LSA 2.1 Statements, Usher Mini Dancer 2's and Vienna Acoustic Baby Grands. Budget is $3000-$5000. Have also considered DeVore . . . but the Orangutan o/93 are a tad outside the budget. Anyone who is familiar with any or all of these care to comment? Appreciate the feedback as I narrow my "search".
I'd say Revel F208's, especially if you like electro stats. I don't consider them small but sure would be nice in a 600 sq ft room. I'm sure you've read the reviews. I've spent some time with them and I personally fell in love. I've been preparing my wife. I've got some Harbeths with Skylan stands and a huge REL sub that are getting ready to gomupmfor sale on the gone this fall.
To give you another data point, I had electrostats for many years and found Wilson Benesch Curves to have that coherent sound similar to electrostats but with better bass, good WAF and they're not finicky with placement or amps. US distribution is pretty sparse, so not always easy to audition, but worth it if possible. In your $ range if used.
In your price range, and given that you don't expect to play your speakers at ear-bleeding levels, you should not limit your choices to small floorstanders. There are plenty of great stand-mounted speakers that should be in consideration.

Although I only heard the Odyssey Lorelei at a show, I was quite impressed with how warm, relaxed, full and yet not sluggish and murkey, they sounded. These seem to be quite a bargain (small floorstanding speaker that retail for $2,700 per pair).

I generally like the sound of Proac speakers, both their floorstanding and stand-mounted speakers. I would bet that something in that line would work well for you.

I am also a fan of the "Classic" Spendor line of speakers (stand-mounted speakers). I prefer these models to their newer lines which are on the leaner, "more detailed" side. I tend to like their stand-mounted speakers over their floorstanders as well.

The cheaper stand-mounted speakers from Audionote can also be quite good for the money. These are speakers on the warmer side, and they do have a bit of a loose sounding bass response, but, the overall sound is very musical and lively even when listening at lower levels. These speakers are meant to be placed near the corners of the room, but, they can be moved out a bit (might even be "better" given how bass heavy their speakers can sound).

I would also audition the cheaper and smaller DeVore speakers. The cheap, none electrostatic floorstanding Quads (made in China) can also sound quite decent for the money.
"I'd say Revel F208's, especially if you like electro stats. I don't consider them small but sure would be nice in a 600 sq ft room."

Yes. I'd have to say these are the "leader in the clubhouse." Checks all the boxes. Modern, updated, attractive design from a great company with a solid history. I do think they'd pair well with the Statement amp. Although I think this amp would be a good match for any high quality set of speakers. Have to admit to having been an Usher fan over the years (have owned a couple of their speakers including BE-10's). And have personally always liked Martin Logan - so the Ethos, if I can find a "deal" are also high on my list. Am thinking those are the final "3". Don't relish the idea of selling what I have . . . but hey, that's what makes this hobby so much fun. Sure. :)
Selah is a small manufacturer very worth a thought. There is a lovely pair of floorstanders on here now for 3700 that I would be very pleased to own. I don't know the particular design, but the components are excellent, and Selah has been very nice on the occasions I've heard them.

They are thirsty, but I believe your LSA has grunt, no?

On the higher efficiency end, there's a pair of Vaughn Zinfandels offered here in your range.

The Vaughns are what I currently use and very much enjoy, with a 30 wpc amp. Powered bass, so solid thump.

If you like the Orangutans (as I do!), which perhaps means you trend toward a more relaxed sound, I think both Selah and Vaughn could be worth a thought.

For the Devore line, I'd put the Selahs I've heard and the Vaughns above the Nines, and below the O series.

Good luck!
