Floorstanding Speaker Feedback

Am considering a small(ish) pair of floorstanding loudspeakers and am trying to narrow the possibilities for our downsized retirement home. They will be paired with a LSA Statement integrated amp. They need to be nearly full range (30hz- ish) and need high WAF. Room is open concept, fairly large (600 sq. ft and adjacent to other rooms). Mostly jazz, classical, female/male solo voice, etc. Nothing loud nowadays. Will be replacing best speaker "system" I've owned (A heavily modded pair of Van L. Speakerworks - of Chicago - Quartets and a pair of REL T-7 subs). The short list so far are: Revel Performa F208, Dynaudio Focus 260, LSA 2.1 Statements, Usher Mini Dancer 2's and Vienna Acoustic Baby Grands. Budget is $3000-$5000. Have also considered DeVore . . . but the Orangutan o/93 are a tad outside the budget. Anyone who is familiar with any or all of these care to comment? Appreciate the feedback as I narrow my "search".
Selah is a small manufacturer very worth a thought. There is a lovely pair of floorstanders on here now for 3700 that I would be very pleased to own. I don't know the particular design, but the components are excellent, and Selah has been very nice on the occasions I've heard them.

They are thirsty, but I believe your LSA has grunt, no?

On the higher efficiency end, there's a pair of Vaughn Zinfandels offered here in your range.

The Vaughns are what I currently use and very much enjoy, with a 30 wpc amp. Powered bass, so solid thump.

If you like the Orangutans (as I do!), which perhaps means you trend toward a more relaxed sound, I think both Selah and Vaughn could be worth a thought.

For the Devore line, I'd put the Selahs I've heard and the Vaughns above the Nines, and below the O series.

Good luck!

If you like the Martin Logan sound consider a used Montis. I've read the Montis is the most seamless ML speaker to date. Of the speakers you mentioned Vienna Acoustics has the edge in build quality and aesthetics. The relaxed treble on the VA might not be for you? Other speakers to consider are the Gershman Acoustics-Sonogram and the Focus Audio-FP88SE. Both these Canadian speakers have "claimed" bass well into 30's(hz) region and have an extended treble. With the weaker Canadian dollar you might find a good deal on either speaker.
"In your price range, and given that you don't expect to play your speakers at ear-bleeding levels, you should not limit your choices to small floorstanders."

Thanks. My current sub/satellite speakers are phenomenal. I'm specifically looking for floorstanders at this point.

"If you like the Martin Logan sound consider a used Montis."
I agree. If I thought I could find a mint pair for $5K or less . . . they'd be my choice. Thanks.

Have appreciated everyone's recommendations and have learned about and rediscovered some names I hadn't given much thought to. I've always thought ice cream shoppes should have one flavor to make the decision process easier!! :) And probably a good deal more boring.

I like the sound of the Gershman GA-P 858, which is WAY out of the OP's price range. Is the Sonogram a scaled down version of that speaker? It would be a winner if that is the case. Gershman makes some very nice sounding speakers that are NOT on the lean and mean side (VERY common audiophile sound these days). I generally do not like the sound of speakers that were designed using the Canadian National Research Council laboratory/protocol, but this brand is the exception.
The Gershman speakers have my interest. Can anyone further describe the Sonograms and Avant Garde models? Comparisons to other speakers? Thanks.