For Basis TT owners does the VPI SDS work?

I was wondering if anyone has used the VPI SDS power conditioner/speed regulator for their Basis turntable? The Basis Synchro thing is very expensive!

thanks for any input.

I know this is off the subject, but a question for Samhar and/or fellow Basis owners. I noticed in Samhars system page,he refers to his tonearm cable as Basis copper. I believe my PSST cable on my Vector mk.3 is silver.
Is there an option for a copper cable instead of the silver cable. I suppose a call to Mr. Conti would be in order.
I have the original Vector arm which is copper from Discovery Cable. I have always loved the Discovery cable for tonearm wires.

Thanks for noticing I'll call Mr. Conti in the morning. It seems the person that sold me the table gave me some incorrect info!! It belonged to Larry Kay of "FI" magazine so Mr. Conti will know Vector model number and cable type. BTW I didn't buy TT from Mr. Kay, I purchased it from his friend the local Basis dealer.
Samhar- Thanks for checking on it. My guess is that all Vectors that use the hard-wired proprietary cable use PSST silver.
I e-mailed A.J. his reply:

"On the Vector it is a model 1 or model 2. What color are the wires that form the wire loop? If they are white/blue/red/green the arm is a Model 1 and the cable is Discovery. If they are purpleish in color it is a model 2. Those would be our own design cable."

The wires in my tone arm are white/blue/red/green so I have a Vector 1 with Discovery Cable.

I'm very happy with this as I wanted all Copper cable and purchased this TT because of that (didn't want any silver)!!
