Found a gold mine

OK here's the deal I have a friend who has parents(surprise!), well I noticed a pile of Records on the floor, EUREKA!!! He had no clue why I was excited, and proceeded to tell me they had more down stairs, I checked them out, they have approx. 1000 records, in very good condition. I know his parents well and they are pack rats, so I would be into purchasing this gold mine, any clues on how to get older folks to give up a music collection they don't listen to? They had tons of 60-80's rock/pop music with some Jazz and other various recordings(a few british imports). The real popular stuff, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Kinks, Pink Floyd, Def Leopard, Rick Springfield, The Chipmunks(you know alvin, simon and theodore, squeky little fellows), Velvet Underground, Dave Brubeck(including an original 'Time Out' in perfect condition!!!). My buddy could not understand why I was getting excited!!! I don't have a analog front end.......yet though I already have around 300 albums, this collection would be a nice addition.

the fact that local Goodwills have tons of records would indicate that to almost all folks with the exception of the crazy few here, vinyl has no value. Having records means having a turntable set up around the house, mainstream America is in the process of coming to grasp with another!! piece of electronics, the DVD player. The more things coming in, mean the more things going out. Give me their address, I rent a truck and be on my way!!!!
My dad was a warehouse manager for Warner Bros a long long time ago. I had snooped around in his cellar but I never found any lp's from his legendary music collection. A couple of years ago he died and my mother asked me if I wanted his records. Between having sold my turntable and only seeing a small handfull of records I told her to give them to the other realitives.

Come to find out they were all in boxes! And boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes. I am pissed at myself. He had everything from box sets to copies that werent released to the public.

If that wasnt a slap in the face I also missed out on his reel to reel colection which was almost as great! With two reel to reels on top of that.

tireguy: i'd take detlof's advice. none of what you've described in the collection so far is very valuable. better to look for quality over quantity, lest you end up with 900 of a 1,000 lp's you'll never play more than once, if at all. beleive me; i've been there. -cfb
If this person is your friend, you should clearly inform him of the value of his parent's collection. Furthermore, you should offer to help them dispose of the collection. If there are specific records that you want for yourself, then offer a fair (market value) price for them. That's how I would recommend doing business with a friend.

Remember, what goes around comes around.
Find out if they would be willing to part with them. If you have a burner or are capable of having someone make a copy, you might want to try that approach, at least for a "reasonable" amount of discs. Most people don't want to go through the hassle of listening to supposedly "inferior" vinyl, but they also don't want to give away a lot of memories and enjoyable times. By offering to burn copies, you've increased their convenience factor AND picked up at least a few discs that you WILL enjoy.

As to "value", that is in the eye / ear of the beerholder : ) Sean