Freezer Cryoed Cables...

Hi all, you can get about the effect as Cryoed treatments by putting your cables or components in the Freezer for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator for one or two hours.........this REALLY works!!! Try this with the cables you have now.......Try this for yourself and see if you "hear a difference"............Richard
Based on Onhwy61 and Eldartford's recommendations, I stuck my head in the freezer, and I swear my stereo sounds different now. I'm looking for a warmer sound, though.
Audiobugged, it could be worse. Your CDs could sound frigid and Diana Krall could smell fishy.

That would suck.
Wellfed, my friend did his system about two months ago, so this freezer tweak lasts for two months and the effect is about the same. I don't know how long the effect will last, only time will tell how long the effect will last. But the best part is, it don't COST you anything to do it again when needed!!!...........Richard
Why is this any sillier than:

- Pacing half-cut rubber balls under equipment;
- Painting CD edges green;
- Brass cones that drain energy (only brass - nothing else);
- $3,000 power cords;
- Cable cooking;

I'm sure there are other things to list that on their face sound ridiculous. But some people swear by them. So what? We can all sound off on technical reasons why THIS particular situation in untenable, but remember: most things that we find that work are often scoffed by electrical engineers and the like. And maybe they're right - what if what we hear is plausibly explained by psychiatrists than engineers/scientists? Perish the thought.
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