Freezer Cryoed Cables...

Hi all, you can get about the effect as Cryoed treatments by putting your cables or components in the Freezer for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator for one or two hours.........this REALLY works!!! Try this with the cables you have now.......Try this for yourself and see if you "hear a difference"............Richard
Prpixel, I am enjoying my system now more and more each day, and that's all that counts. If you feel better because your components cost a lot more, more power to you!..........Richard
I don't know about the freezing the cables, but seeing that there're some merit to freezing cds, I decided to experiment . I put a copy of Kind of Blue in a zip-loc bag in the freezer for 24hrs, then in the fridge covered with a terry cloth for another 24, then room temperature for 3 hours.
I've used track # 5 "Flamenco Sketches" as a tester for quite sometime now. I've probably listened to it hundreds of times. On first impression, the openning bass line was more immediate, snappier, and "woodsier". The trumpet then came on and the sound was definitely smoother, more body, and better focus. The sound overall, and pardon my inadequacy of capturing the changes, was livelier, more prat, smoother, more transparent, and better extentions at the top end. The one drawback that I've noticed is that there seems to be some loss at the bottom end.
I was very skeptical, and heard about this for quite some time now, but finally decided to give it a try. I'm not sure if the effect is permanent or if I will do this for all my cds, but there are definite noticeable changes. Anyone tried cryoeing a cd?

Associated equipments:
Bat Vk-d5
Bat Vk-5i
Belcanto Evo2
Merlins Vsm-m
Purist cables.
Bpt 3.5 Sig.
Rpatrick, I think it is fine if you have discovered a tweak that you like. It costs nothing, and if it makes you happy, that is great.

Personally, I am quite skeptical of the technical veracity of this technique because it wouldn't seem to lower temps enough to make a molecular change. Also, I would be very afraid to freeze my expensive gear anyway. So, I'm not going to try it, but I won't ridicule you either.

It's your gear, and you can do with it what you like.
Twl- I agree completely. The only point I'd like to clarify is, I don't think anyone is saying it changes the metal molecularly(or at least I hope not)- your austenite and martensite will remain the same. The difference some are experiencing- IMO- has to do with a subtle shrinkage of the wire itself.
Mhu, if you freeze that CD one more time you will hear an even better improvement then you you are hearing now......Richard