Freezer Cryoed Cables...

Hi all, you can get about the effect as Cryoed treatments by putting your cables or components in the Freezer for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator for one or two hours.........this REALLY works!!! Try this with the cables you have now.......Try this for yourself and see if you "hear a difference"............Richard
Hdm, I think that freezing is just as good as cryo treatments as far as the effect goes, the only time you really need cryo treatments is for car parts and tools and things like that. Maybe cryo treatments last a little longer than freezing, but it don't cost you anything to freeze it again...........Richard
Now your talking just plain foolish. I am by no means an expert in metallurgy however I understand the basic of metal properties. The purpose of cryo treating is to reverse the damage done to the metal when it was heated- when metal is heated its micro structure changes to what is known as austenite. When its cooled most of austentite converts to the much stronger(molecularly "aligned") martensite. However a portion remains in the softer austentite form and by introducing extremely low temperatures(around -300ยบ F)- via slow cool down and then slow recovery- it changes all of the austentite to the superior martensite. You can't claim your freezer is acheiving this, maybe its chaning some of the austentite but the amount would be so insignificant the improvements based on this alone would be undedectable(perhaps this is what Twl was eluding to).

I hate to bring science of any sort into this hobby, but you've got to use at least a little common sense when you make statements like you just did.
Tireguy, I not talking foolish, I think everybody should know about this, and when some of you do try this tweak you too will see that this is all you need........Why should you pay for it when you can get about the same effect for FREE.........Richard
Because its NOT the same as cryogenic treatment as I have just explained to you. If you can tell me how the freezer creates the SAME effect as cryogenic treatment then I am all ears, other wise I think this portion of the debate is over.

Until you have tried cryogenic treatment on all of the same components as you have frozen in your freezer your making a broad generalization with out merit.

Patrick has a cryo unit right next to the freezer. He has compared CD's, both cryoed and frozen, through his high resolution system consisting of a vintage Sony receiver, sound dynamics speakers and a Bravo DVD player.