The XA.5 series DO double down in power. The XA series do not. There was a mild re-design to allow the doubling of power. It is sonically insignificant, but if you want or need more power on tap the doubling down is a bonus.
Let's let Taboooe do the calcs for your power requirements. As for the amp size, I never recommended the X350.5 over the X250.5 or anything else, I just chimed in and said it sounded better to my ears for the reasons I listed. I believe the XA60.5 or XA100.5 would do just as well and offer things the regular series do not such as righer midrange, more liquid highs. At the end of the day, do you want pure class A or hybrid A-A/B?
Let's let Taboooe do the calcs for your power requirements. As for the amp size, I never recommended the X350.5 over the X250.5 or anything else, I just chimed in and said it sounded better to my ears for the reasons I listed. I believe the XA60.5 or XA100.5 would do just as well and offer things the regular series do not such as righer midrange, more liquid highs. At the end of the day, do you want pure class A or hybrid A-A/B?