From Wadia to ???

Recently owned a Wadia 381. However, i sold it to buy a usb dac.
As usual with Wadia, algorithm A is Wadias own and also what i preferred.
To you who are much better at me, what brand/ model is closest to Wadia sound ideal, without the cost of a Wadia?

Might add that i look for a dac with pre-amp feature (XLR).
Mytek, are they close to Wadia in sound? I read somewhere it was rather forward?
Exogal seems interesting!
Anyone of you listened to Audio Alchemy DDP1?
I have the Exogal Comet with power supply and have been happy with it. I have not compared any of the others with it though. I can control the volume from my iPhone which is very convenient. The price seems to have dropped on it also.

I heard the Audio Alchemy setup at AXPONA and i would say the sound was the best i have heard for a reasonable amount of money. If I was in the market i would buy the entire lot of Audio Alchemy products along with the Endeavor E-3 speakers they were paired with at that show.

I am set when i comes to all but front end ( I use Barefoot sound MM27 and Sound anchors).
I just let go of the expensive hifi market stuff. All i need is a dac/pre.
However, i have been wondering of Nad M12, AA DDP1 and now Exogal Comet Plus. AA seems to have a analog pre which can be a benefit.
A dealer told me AA is better than Nad (mostly due to the designer behind AA i guess). I really would like to hook it up at home.


I have always wanted to demo Wadia spinners, where should I start my journey?