Gallo 3.1 vs. B&W 804 vs. faber grand piano

I am looking to stay under $3,000 used. The only one I have heard is the sonus, faber. I liked it. I also have had jm labs in the past, so they are not out of the question either, I like there sound siquature.

The speakers will be used for Home theater use also. I mainly listen to rock music.

What I want is a speaker that is very fast, tight bass, with great imaging. Also I kind of like a speaker to be a little on the bright side, but not fatiguing.

Oh and the amps will be a theta Dreadnaught or Bell Canto ref II's.

Thanks for the help in advance!
The ones you suggest are very good speakers. I am especially intrigued by the Gallos. But how about Triangle Celius? I listened to them recently and found them great...and they're going to save you some money.
The Gallo's excel at imaging. Their bass is very good, especially with the Gallo sub amp. High end is very sweet, and very extended. They are however, extremely sensitive to placement, so due care should be taken when setting them up.
I listen mostly to Rock, Industrial, & Punk, with some Folk, Jazz, and Classical thrown in for good measure. I really like my Gallo Ref 3.1s, but I'm not extremely familiar with the other options you're looking into.