Genesis 1.1, Infinity IRS V, 4 chasiss speakers

All 4 chassis and a half foot tall behemoths. Assuming the room is big enough for these speakers, what would be the optimum distance from speaker to listener seating?

How far apart should the two ribbon/tweeter towers be apart?
How far out should the bass towers be from the ribbon towers? How far out from the rear wall should they be?

I have a very large room and I would like an idea on what the configuration would be for optimum listening. I plan to make a complete makeover of my system in 18 months and I'd like to know how much room they would take up for optimum performance. Most of the photos of these speakers that I've seen seem to be in cramped rooms.


about 1.5 times the distance which the ribbon arrays are spaced apart example 7 feet apart would equate a listening distance of 10.5 feet. These speakers don't need to be 10 feet apart see their manuals recommendations they seem correct in my experience. would really consider the Genesis line as being better than the infinity models. bass Towers have many placement options which will work mine are about 3 inches outside of the ribbon arrays and about 1 in behind the ribbon array fronts. Ribbon array about 6 feet out from the rear wall. I have concerns regarding the ultimate quickness abilities of the 12 inch woofers of the Genesis 1 or infinity V although I have never heard them I know the Genesis 2 had the 12 inch woofers which were changed to 8 inch woofers for the Genesis 200 and 201 later I believe the reviews had considerable problems getting the 12 inch woofer Towers bass to blend seamlessly to the ribbons the 8 inch woofers blended much easier I believe the quickness of the 8 inch woofers really helped this problem. Unless your room is absolutely huge the 8 inch woofers in the 201 would be the better and more economical choice also over the Genesis 1's the 1's seem just absolutely overkill and not really necessary unless your room is like 35x45
I have heard these IRS V monsters with the bass towers placed about 2 feet behind and 2 feet further apart than the emit emim panels which were placed only about 6-7 feet apart. The woofer boxes were near the corners of the back wall. All I can tell you that we were in a relatively near field listening position given the size of these incredible speakers, maybe as mejames said 10 feet from the forward most panels, in a room with a highly slanted cieling with the lower end holding the speakers. I would add that they were fabulous sounding and perhaps the most impressive speaker system I have ever heard arranged in this manner but I like big sound. I did not hear them however in any other position so I have nothing to compare that position to. The person who owns them however is a professional speaker refurbisher of high repute and very knowledgeable with decades of experience.
He actually owns 2 sets of these and a set of IRS betas- unbelievable. The second set is in a larger room and were weren't placed much further apart maybe 8 feet I did not get to hear them.
I am unfamiliar with the Genesis speakers.
I don't disagree with mejames'formula approach but I always position my own speakers by trial and error until I reach a satisfying result. With these enormous speakers that may well put you in the hospital for a hernia operation.
My room is 22 ft x 70 ft with a 20 ft high ceiling....the listening area is 22 ft x 40 ft. I was wondering about the feasibility of putting them against the long wall. Six feet out from the wall would give me another 16 feet back of listening area.

Although I have never heard either of these speakers, I did have some concerns about the separate bass towers blending seamlessly with the have the proprietary servo-amps driving the bass towers and your own amp driving the ribbon seems a natural that this could pose some problems.