Good 2 way speaker

I have a Wadia 850 directly balance to a Bryston 3B ST. I am looking for the best 2 way monitor for my system. I listen to mostly Jazz, vocal. Price can range to $2k-$10K. Thanks for your advice.
Thanks matchy! I am using Synergistic Cables. I just ordered a pair of Joseph RM22si to a 2 week trial. Friends told me to try Ayre V3 too.
try the NORH 9.0's which among the similarly priced competition above uses some of the best components made. The revelator drivers are used in various speakers upwards of 55-60,000 dollars + an awsome unconventional design
If you only want a stand mounted monitor, then either the Dynaudio Confidence 3, or a Sonus Faber Electa Amator (older version with Esotar tweeter). IF YOU WOULD LIKE THE BEST VALUE IN FLOORSTANDERS, THEN THE PARAGON RANDIANT AT $2850/
monitor implies to me here ---small, accurate, natural. the spendor s3/5 seems worth a listen. if youve ever heard or owned rogers LS3/5As, you heard very natural voice reproduction, this speaker is the natural decendant of the rogers. im looking to go along in that direction myself with a fried model h sub and some unusual xovers(very steep,and flexible--krohn-heit). will get you to the distrubitor and the tas review.