Good 2 way speaker

I have a Wadia 850 directly balance to a Bryston 3B ST. I am looking for the best 2 way monitor for my system. I listen to mostly Jazz, vocal. Price can range to $2k-$10K. Thanks for your advice.
If you only want a stand mounted monitor, then either the Dynaudio Confidence 3, or a Sonus Faber Electa Amator (older version with Esotar tweeter). IF YOU WOULD LIKE THE BEST VALUE IN FLOORSTANDERS, THEN THE PARAGON RANDIANT AT $2850/
monitor implies to me here ---small, accurate, natural. the spendor s3/5 seems worth a listen. if youve ever heard or owned rogers LS3/5As, you heard very natural voice reproduction, this speaker is the natural decendant of the rogers. im looking to go along in that direction myself with a fried model h sub and some unusual xovers(very steep,and flexible--krohn-heit). will get you to the distrubitor and the tas review.