Good/great preamp with ht pass through? Thoughts?

Hello thanks for your thoughts...

I have been in the market for a preamp that also has a pass though (gainless) switch for my hometheatre system. I have looked at the VTL preamps...Both the 2.5 and 5.5 have this feature. I am interested in almost anything, and a list if anyone has one would be nice. Trying to find some new reading material.

Thanks for your time.
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The Aesthetix Calypso has pass throughs that can be assigned to any input. It is also one of the best sounding preamps available.
I'm using a Cary SLP-2002 that has this feature and I love it. I also considered the VTL 2.5 before purchasing the Cary though I was not able to audition either beforehand. Both looked like great units and to be honest I don't remember why I chose the Cary over the VTL but I've been happy with my Cary.