Good looking Towers for < $2000?

Going to upgrade from my Paradigm Studio-20 V5s.  These are on stands. 
I've decided to go with towers this time.  I don't like stands that much.
Anyway, for living room 2ch music.  WAF and attractiveness are important for the living room.
Not looking for black rectangular boxes.
I tend to like moderate/soft levels.   Jazz, folk, classical, new age, some rock.

I am also looking for a bit more bass than the Studio 20s give me (54Hz low-freq).

Salk looks nice and gets great reviews (SongBirds, SongTowers).

How are PSB?   Any other good suggestions?


Also, let me add the Salk SongBirds as well.  I am still considering them.
They are shorter than the SongTowers and get good reviews.  I'm a little concerned that they can't fill the room with sound if I want to.

Music direct is running Focal 836 for 1400 bucks 
pretty good sound and they look really nice
judt me two cents! 
At least with the Ascend Towers you can try them in your home risk free for 30 days. 

I am in a similar situation, looking for new speakers and live in an area where there is not a decent dealer within 100 miles. So, I am also forced to use the worst possible method to evaluate what might work for me. Add to that, many of the brands don't support warranty claims if you purchase from a dealer on line and won't authorize their authorized dealers to sell them that way either. What a load of crap.

Anyway, after about 4 weeks of reading, evaluating specs and browsing, I am basically down to Salk HT-2 or Revel f208's. Salks are probably better looking speakers and they have excellent drivers and components. The Revels are easier to get and available now. Salk currently has a 75 day production time between order and shipment. 

I have not read a single negative review on either of them. Good luck with your selection!!
ASW German engineering and build quality, internal parts highest quality, ceramic tweeters. thumbs up!
I don't know, the Studios are sounding awesome with Pnk Floyd and Mark Knopfler tonight. Maybe I just need a Sub