Good low-price cartridge for listening to rock.

Currently, I have an Ortofon Super OM10 mounted to a Music Hall MMF5, Ballari pre-amp, Cerwin Vega LS-10s, and a Cayin 50T amp. Origionally, I was thinking about a OM20 needle upgrade but I have read some negative reports on it. Was also considering a Grado Gold, but I tend to shy away from it because I have heard some problems with those cartridges as well. One cartridge that looks interesting according to the reviews is the AT440MLa by Audio Technica - everybody seems to rave about it and says it can be compete with cartridges that are far more money.

Does anybody have any suggestions or comments on the cartridge.
I found the Goldring 1042 (1012 with less sophisticated stylus shape is less $) to be a great cartridge for rock. Others have dissed it, so yer mileage may vary.
I like the goldring but might be too expensive for you.
How about a shure m97
I think I am going to go with the AT 440 MLa. One last thing I would like to say. With my above mentioned setup(The MMF5 with the Ortofon Super OM-10)CDs in my opinion seem to sound more detailed. Keep in mind that I am using a sony cd player that is nothing special - Best Buy deal. Needless to say, most of my vinyl is in excellent condition. After doing some research, I couldn't find any reviews that raved about the OM20 stylus being much better.

So, this is why I have been kicking around changing my cartridge. I like the way the Ortofon tracked though and was easy to place on a particular track of the record. One thing that I did notice after reading the review that the cartridge is not "very forgiving" either, and my experience seems to confirm this.