Good phono amp, low noise, not too expencive?

Any advice for a phono preamp at a "do-able" price point? Who makes good low noise one at a decent price? Say under $1000? Thanks!
my choice, my favorite, is the Plinius Jarra-I'm not too hot on the Jarra Wood front, but it is sonically superb-lots of better stuff out there, most of it tube, most of it touchy, etc. I've never heard the Musical surroundings product, but those who have compare it with the Lehman-and a used Lehman would be a good buy too.
If you can stretch the budget, the phono preamp to own is the EAR-the black cabinet version is list at 995.00. sometimes the tubes a bit bright, but not always (EAR is a bit weird though-sometimes easy to get servicing, sometimes not). the Plinius is plug-in-and forget, and sells for about 750.00. You're free to e-mail me and ask for details if you wish. Happy Listening!

If you want a belt drive, check out the factory refurbished SOTAs. I would go for a Sapphire. If you search the posts, you'll find out that Sean is very fond of SOTAS--and so am I. They are made here in Chicago Metro. They have an unbelievable suspension!

Okay.......... I haven't thought of that. A "factory refurbished" SOTA could be a very attractive option. I may consider that option as well. But now, getting back to the Technics SL-1200 MkII. If I should happen to change my mind and say that I do in fact want one (not likely to happen, but you never know), then I know where to look for one of those as well. And I don't have to travel far to get one either. I could go to a store that specializes in professional sound/dj equipment and get one there, OR, I could see if I could bribe my buddy into giving me one of his. Again, that's not likely to happen, but it's a thought (LOL).
