Good power cord vs Killer power cord?

I have down sized some stuff in my rig and am wondering what to do. I am purchasing a brand spanking new Audio Magic Mini Digital that will be going into a dedicated outlet. It will be used just for my cdp. Got two power cords. One is very good, and one is drop dead amazing-(Harmonix Studio Master, case you're dying to know). Which do you put where? Dedicated outlet to AM?
AM to CDP?
My thinking is to go with the good cord directly from the outlet to the AM, and the killer cord from the AM to the cdp. I'd appreciate your experiences, as to what you have found that gives you electric nirvana. thanks guys. warren :)
Tvad, I don't follow your reasoning. Can you be a little more specific as to your experiences with your power conditioner? What do you use from your conditioner to the outlet?
Audphile, "you'd say?" Is this what you have done with your power conditioner and power cord. I'm not sure I understand your reasoning or experience either.
Am I learning disabled, or just plain justifiably confused?
Warren, I use two Hydra 2 conditioners. One Hydra 2 has a DCCA Reference, and the other has an Elrod EPS-3 Signature. My PAD Dominus PC is 15a, and it makes a clear improvement whether it's placed on my amplifier, preamplifier, or digital source. So, based on that experience, I'd place my Dominus in the most effective position before I switched cords on the Hydras. None of the four excellent cords I've used on the Hydras has ever had an effect equal to the effect the PAD Dominus has on the equipment. Perhaps this is specific to the Dominus.

You have two cords to swap, correct? Your decision is going to be made much faster by simply swapping them and listening for yourself.

Use your tympanics.

Thanks Grant. Your experiences seem to follow my thinking that the best cord should go from the source to the conditioner. Not too many takers on this thread so far. It will be interesting after a few first handers give their experiences, like yourself, if they, too, found source to conditioner to be the ticket.
Try Virtual Dynamics. You can start with a Nite II. You can purchase them used for around $400-450. If you can swing a little more than I would encourage you to try the Virtual Dynamics Master. I have not heard a cable that extends the soundstage and presents the music like a live performance as Virtual Dynamics. Then again I have not experienced ever cable under the sun.
I also like the Harmonix Studio Master.
Also you might want to contact Robert at Star Sound. They have a new cable out that is above the Plateau series. You know the drill if you do not like it.
by Irish65
Warren, If you only have one I would suggest plugging the Studio Master into the CD player, not the AM. I have found that while all locations in the system for a powercord are clearly audible, the closest position to the component should give more improvement.