Good speaker wire limited budget Spica Angelus

i would like to improve my bass end and sound with suggested cables for my spicas. Is 26AVG wire goo/
As an owner of Spica angelus I mostly agree with elevick. My only quibble with his advice is :
1) The highs on the angelus are no so rolled off as some would have you think. I compared the angelus to the spendor s3/5 and they won easily in highs, and destroyed the spendors on imaging and mid-range. They are great speakers for everything except bass.
2) If you're going to add a sub get a powered sub. I use a REL strata and it blends perfectly with the spicas.

I'm not really sure that you'll get the bass you want from the spicas by just changing the wire, since they're a very lean sounding speaker.
I would try NORDOST flatline cable...this is very transparent cable for the money...with a very open and airy presentation...and will extend the highs on your SPicas(I used to own the tc-50s) and adhance their strenghths: imaging and soundstage...I wouldnt worry too much about the bass...and a subwoofer then use a lower awg cable...good luck..other affordable offerings I have never heard but rate highly...Analysis plus and Kimber cable...both at a 30 day trial...
I am a long time Spica owner, and Angeluses have been my speaker for 9 years. I have been looking for an upgrade and it hasn't been easy - the Angelii are that good. Many speakers perform better in some areas (usually the bass), but I haven't found one yet that unequivically matches or beats them in every way. (I keep looking though - there are a handful thsat have come close)

The Spicas have more bass than most people realize. They are very clean and tight from *about* 40Hz to *about*80 Hz. It seems to be in the 100 - 150 Hz range that they are weak. On the plus side, this is the range where a lot of speakers have been difficult to position in my room. The Spicas can be put anywhere and they'll sound pretty good.

I agree that their treble is better than most people realize, because it integrates so well with the midrange. Cymbals have some real crash and weight to them - many speakers give you a delicate tweetery haze thsat floats above the music, maybe more delicate detail, but not as well integrated.
I agree that adding a subwoofer is the way to go. It is important, though, that you get one that can play well at fairly high (for a sub) frequencies, like 150 Hz crossover. It's kind of sad to do this in a way, because the Spicas bass (when it shows up) is so well done, it's a shame to cross it over. I have had good luck with a set of Entec LF-20s. I would recommend at least 2 (4 is even bettter) to keep up dynamically. If you want something cheaper, you might want to look for a used velodyne 10" servo controlled sub. I had one home new in 2001 (can't remember the exact model). It was more dynamic than the Entecs, but didn't go as low, or as flat. But still not bad.

I use MIT cable Terminator 3, and the previous owner was also using MIT. Kimber might also be a good one to try; I think they are wired internally with Kimber.

I find amplifier quality is more important than power. I have found the Pass Aleph 3 (30WPC) to be an excellent match to this speaker - better than more powerful Classe, Acurus, Meridian, Golden Tube, or Proceed amps. I have heard that tube amps go well also.

You have great speakers. If you can live with their shortcomings, their strengths are world-class. Sorry if I ramble, but I LOVE these speakers!
I concur with Honestl's response- I use a Velodyne FSX-12 with TC-50s (it was $1200 new but I think can be found used for $400-$600) and it blends seamlessly.

If a sub is not doable, the speaker cable for works as well as any I've tried in giving a full but detailed sound. An IC which really provides added warmth but is fast is Discovery's Plus 4 ($600 list buy can be had I believe for about $300 direct from Discovery.)

As others have said, spicas are not easy to replace.