Grant Fidelity B-283 Tube Buffer: Worthwhile or No

Does putting a tube buffer into a solid state system actually improve the output, or is it all just hyped up the emporer has no clothes syndrome?

There's a Grant Fidelity B-283 tube buffer for sale here and I'm thinking about it. I have an Adcom GFA 535 amp, a Morrison pre amp and an Arcam CD75 CD player.


Sorry,But I stick by my call the Big Black Sheng Ya Mono Block Amps I heard at Gary Lea's House in Las Vegas--using the Von S's were
frankly awful.

So put that in ya pipe and smoke it.

Like I stated Caveat Emperor

I've been using a Grant Fidelity B-283 MK 2 for about nine months now. It has taken the edge off of digital and I do believe extended the dynamic range of my system. It makes my ears happy.

I use a GF TubeDAC-09 as preamp with an Adcom 545 amp and it noticeably smooths out frequency response. Not the best but it improves sound. And that's what I wanted.
Well Des, you come trolling into a thread about the B-283 and stating none of our gear is any good based in some listening session, while most of the rest of the world thinks are products sound fantastic and exceptional value for the money.

Why don't you describe how you came to the conclusion the GF gear was at fault for not sounding good, while every owner and reviewer of said gear including Gary Lea who bought the gear thinks it is amazing and who's opinion actually carries weight in the high-end audio world.

I'm sure your explanation will just show you are biased against things you can't compete with as a business and how amateur you are in judging audio components.

I smoke cigars, you can suggest to others what you want them to drugs you want them to smoke that will make them think the stuff you peddle is any good.

I did not realize Des was an audio peddler, it wasn't clear from his post. Thanks for clarifying.