great integ amp for VA Haydn Grand's??

Well, today I finally purchased a pair of Vienna Acoustics
Haydn Grand's in cherry finish! Since I am building this system
from scratch, I now will need a great quality integ amp
that is a great match for the Haydns.
My budget is around $1250.00 used from Audiogon. I would
sure appreciate some recommendations!

Im really thinking about the Primare I20 integ amp that
im told by Sumiko (VA's distributor) is a great match.

I listened to the Haydn Grands at a dealer with the recently released Musical Fidelity a3.5 integrated and a3.5 cd player. It sounded like a fine match.
Depending on room size and how loud you want to go, the Manley Stingray would be a superb amp, just a touch of tube flavor but really quite neutral and wonderful sound. Will need to up the budget just a tad though.
The new Primare I21 is killer. Textured & extended bass, with smooth, yet neutral mids & highs. It is a great match with VA, brings out even more of the inner musicality, but doesn't leave anything on the table.