Great Rock & Roll speakers?

I have a pair of Vandersteen 2 sigs with a DNA-1 & CJ PV10al. I have never been able to get the image proper with the speakers due to odd ball room placement. I really like the speakers but need something to image better in the same price class. I don't have a lot of room behind the speakers & don't want monitors. I really love the bass response of the speakers but had the idiot lights flash during a listening session once. Since then I have been paranoid to really crank them. I spoke with Richard & he explained how the lights work so it is obvious that I listen to alot of music that is heavy in the mid-bass region. So I need to find a speaker that is a good match to my DNA & CJ that will image well sitting close to the walls. The overall size of the speaker isn't much of a concern as long as they aren't much larger than the Vandy's. Speaker placement issues would pretty much rule out planar speakers & adding additional subs is not the direction I would like to take. Check my system here & let me know your thoughts.
You might get a chance to hear Triangle loudspeakers. They match pretty good the criteria you mentioned.
Some of they floorstanders are suitable to close wall siting and really can Boogie. The fun factor is realy enormous (if the connected electronics are up to it). I listen to Rock mainly (they are GREAT with Live music!) and am very happy with their presentation. It's hard for me to find a alternative to them if you like loud Rock music but also want refined and (very) detailed allrounders. I believe the Vandersteen's (i like the Vandy 3CE very mutch) will look bland in comparison with them (especially dynamially). CJ amps work wonders with them but don't know about DNA...
Either you'll love 'em or hate 'em...
Paradigms are a very underrated speaker. They have zero snob appeal but we want great sound not greatly exaggerated prices right?

I run the 60's with a PW2200 sub and they are excellent. Great value.


I know you don't want to go down the sub avenue, but I would suggest adding a Vandy sub if you can fit it into your room.

I don't own Vandy mains, but I do own a 2Wq sub. I have a friend that owns a pair of 2Ci's, which I am currently borrowing. I was listening to them this weekend in my 13'x17' room. My amp (Bryston 9BST) was clipping very briefly and the idiot light in the speakers never turned on.

The sub will take some of the load off of the amp and the speakers, allowing them to play louder and cleaner. Things were quite loud when my amp was maxed out. I don't know how loud you want to go, but it my room, they were pretty darn loud with R&R. I am not sure how much more power the speakers could take since my amp gave out first.

If the 2 Sig's don't really work for you in your room, then finding new speakers is your best approach. If you do like them, give them a shot with the 2Wq sub. It should give you better bass and more volume headroom.
IMHO Paradigms suck for rock and roll. Just MO. I have had several different models that I had tried in my HT setup. I didn't even think they worked well for HT. They have the worst tweeter I have heard in any level of speaker. Actually I think they suck for any music. I believe either the Triangle or B&W would provide alot more value for the money, and sound ten times better.