Greatness: Recognition at last

About nine months ago I received my pair of Harmonic Precision Caravelles. After the break in and total tympanic freak out, I got on the 'gon with my review, and went a bit gaga raving about these speakers. Well after nine months of absolute tympanic joy, low and behold, I read on, their mini Caravelle impressions at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. These babies should, now, get some of the recognition they deserve. It was, back 9 months ago, as it is now, very exciting to be on the ground floor of speaker greatness. Again, the Caravelles are like nothing I.....hey, there I go again. I'm happy for Starsound. Hope we'll hear more, when 6moons does an official review. peace, warren
Hey Warren - I hope Harmonic Precision pays you for all the good press you give them! ;)

I will put them on my "buy and try" list, thanks to you. Arthur
Warren, you have been enjoying these speakers for awhile now, and are one of the few that has actually experienced the greatness of the Caravelles.

Many are skeptical, but few have heard.

These speakers are going to rock some people's worlds.

It is very difficult to make a big "splash" at an audio show where all the world's best products can be heard and seen. When the reviewers leave the show saying, "I've gotta get a set of those Caravelles to review", after they've heard all the megabuck stuff, you know it is something special.

But, the big "secret" is that it wasn't just the Caravelles playing in that room. The Sistrum platforms, Audiopoints, Sonoran Cables, and the Harmonic Precision monoblock amps were all in that combination that "wowed" the experts. When they were fed a quality signal from that superb DCS digital player, the entire system showed it's stuff in spades. You just can't ignore a sound like that.

We took alot of orders at the show. There are going to be alot of happy people with this stuff.

Warren, you were there first, and reaped the rewards earlier than everybody else. Enjoy your "tympanic" experiences!
Warrenh, you've had my attention for awhile now on this product. I didn't see a price for the speakers on the Star Sound website, and would appreciate info about the cost, inclusive of the recommended stand/platform/spike/protective disk package, if TWL cares to advise.

Warrenh, pardon me if you covered this before; what about optimal room size, listening distance? I'm more or less confined to listening in an 8'foot triangle from head to speakers. Will this be too close? I know you are keen on the bass relative to a comparator like the Micro Utopia Be.
Will the bass in the Caravelle be too much for a small room application? Does it open up well at low volume levels, or do you need to crank it up to get all the music out?
Generally I've swung back and forth between various mini-monitors and slender towers, never quite satisfied that I had all the advantages of the precise imaging of the former with the richer mids and bass of the latter. Care to comment further on the Caravelles in that context? I'm hoping my questions might be of interest to others as well.