Green Mountain Audio Europa Max Vs. Tyler Taylo Re

I am looking to upgrade my Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference monitor, and am considering GMA speakers. Specifically I am interested in either the Europa Max (Original Europa cabinet with Callisto drivers and crossover) or the Callisto. I was wondering if anyone has heard the tylers and GMAs or could offer some usefull insight. thanks
I guess the best way to approach this is to find what you would like to improve on from your Tylers.

I heard a couple of GMA speakers last year, and personally would rather have the Tylers (no slight against GMA intended).

**Disclosure: I should point out my potential bias as a Tyler owner, so take my opinion as just that -- based on *my* tastes.

If you point out the deficiencies you feel the Taylos have, it will increase the chance of the potential alternatives suggested being more relevant to addressing your sound preferences.

Also, is your price range between 2-3K? I have heard a lot of monitors in that range if true, so maybe I could make some suggestions once your preferences are known...


hey, thanks for the response. I am looking in the 2-3k range. I am currently using my tyler ref. monitors with a velodyne SPL-800 subwoofer so bass is not really a concern in the monitors. I am using a jolida jd-100 cdp, and Onix sp3 integrated. The main complaint that I have with the tylers is that they sound a little muffled and not as open as I would like. I would also like a speaker that sounds a little smoother. I know these are all rather subjective terms. Let me know if you need me to explicate more. thanks again, and let me know if you have any other suggestions. i am also interested in maybe a used pair of wilson benesch ARCs, Zu tones, reference 3A decapos.
In your price range, I would suggest auditioning the Callisto's. They are a stunning speaker.