grilles on or off the speakers??

As most of you are aware, there are a number of speaker manufacturers that claim a "specially designed" grille for their speakers, that prevent edge diffraction and whatever and do no recommend they be removed.

Since no women were inviting me to the Caribbean, and having nothing better to do, I decided what the heck and put the grilles back on my speakers. I anticipated no effect, but they sounded different. They went on and off several times, and there is clearly an auditory diffence...not necessarily better or worse either way...just different

SO, what do you think, grilles on or off, and are specially designed grilles snake oil or science??

Say, here's a thought: trust YOUR ears with YOUR gear in YOUR room with YOUR preferred music. Why assume there's one right answer for all? And some speakers may be "voiced" with grills on, but not in your room with your gear and your ears.
>>07-09-09: Rnm4
Say, here's a thought: trust YOUR ears with YOUR gear in YOUR room with YOUR preferred music.<<

Won't work.

Your answer makes far too much sense and requires actual listener participation.

Please remember you are dealing with neurotics most of whom learn everything in magazines and online forums.

Thanks in advance.
To Stringreen

I know Vandersteen feels strongly about that. I owned his 2Ci speakers (which were great), and taking those grilles on and off would be no easy task
To Audiofeil

Not sure why a thread usually ends up with someone being condescending and mean spirited. Of course I, and most anyone interested in audio, set our systems up to our liking and our listening taste and our satisfaction That doesn't mean discussion is a bad thing and we are all neurotics and stupid.
I was interested in the opinions of many of the knowledgable people on this site, as to whether or not they think a speaker can actually (you know... scientifically, using physics) tune a speaker with its grille to improve its fidelity. Of course it sounds different with the stereo also sounds different when I hear it through a door or wall.
And finally, learning through magazines and online forums is a good thing...reading is good.