grills or no grills on your speakers..matters?

Yeah, I am asking again.
I leave them off because they look better.
I am not totally convinced they sound better.

What you wise sages think?
Strongly depends on the speaker. Vienna Acoustics pays particular attention to the design of their grills for use on or off. In some case, they say the sound could benefit with them on and the enthusiast should experiment thusly. Isn't that part of the fun of this hobby?

90% of my listening is done with the grills on.
Grills muffle sound… most speakers would sound so much better with much more mufffffling…..

Lets hear it for muffffffling…..
The grill frames are often worse than the cloth itself.

In general the sound is diminished by cloth in the sonic pathway with the exception of low bass.

It's kinda innerestin' that acoustically transparent grills could interfere so much. Now, I'm not saying that there's no difference...