Hammacher Schlemmer has Kronos $28,000

turntable on the cover of its new catalog. Unbelievable for a non-hifi catalog company.
Dear Hiendmuse: A lovely and very good looking TT that against what are on the market seems to me like this Canadian design could be a " bargain " at those 28K dollars.

The idea is not a new one, was implemented in Japan before for 47Labs and Sansui. The main subject here could be how well is the whole implementation design.

Reading over reviews seems the design is successful:



Ok, now I have to think where I can find out 28K!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music,
"KronosÂ’ variation on the theme is to rotate their second, identical, 30-pound platter in the opposite direction of the main platter spinning the record. In essence, it completely cancels any vibration induced by the first."

I took this quote from one of the reviews cited by Raul. I believe it is incorrect. I don't see how the equal and opposite rotation of the bottom platter could "cancel any vibration". It might cancel some vibration (and it might introduce new sources of vibration), but what it could cancel is the effect dictated by Newton's Third Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Forces exerted on the motor and plinth opposite in direction to those exerted on the platter by the motor could/would be counter-balanced. This would obviate the need for a massive plinth structure and could be a "good thing", but it does not cancel all vibration per se. I would be very curious to hear it.
Love the exposure. That's an SME V-12 arm (non detachable headshell). I spoke to the designer about this at the NYC show a couple of weeks ago. He used the V-12 two years ago and the 12" Grahm this year. He told me that the counter-rotating platters cancel the tendency for the plinth to rotate in the horizontal plane around the axis of the bearing.

Bearings aren't frictionless, but if they have very very little friction, I wonder how much this force really matters. I also think that two motors with two rotating platters may introduce more vibrations into a system than having only one of each.

I wonder what kind of set up service and ongoing service HS will give to its customers. It is great to see this on the cover, though.
Peter, I may be wrong, but I think the counter-rotating platters would have a nice stabilizing effect, rather like a gyroscope, but not actually gyroscopic. I am gratified to see that the quote from the designer, "counter-rotating platters cancel the tendency for the plinth to rotate in the horizontal plane around the axis of the bearing", is another way of saying what I wrote above. It's the Law. However, the execution of the idea is what would determine whether the results are worth the added complexity. Which is why I'd love to hear one of these tables.

Would be cool to do a direct drive with counter-rotating platters. DD would be better suited to this concept than belt-drive, IMO. (This is not to take a shot at BD; it's just that BD requires those two external motors and the associated drive belts, which might serve to reduce the possible advantages of this particular idea.)