Harbeth Compact 7's

Hi Gents, (Ladies too), Rlmm here.

Recently acquired a nice pair of Harbeth Compact 7's and I'm trying to decide on some gear to drive them properly. I have tried several things I already own, mostly low powered tube and SS amps/preamps. Not real happy so far with the results, but I know these speakers are capable of great things. Based on my experience so far, they seem to want and need some real juice behind them, probably SS power. I know some are using tube gear with good success but my instincts tell me good ss may be needed to get the bass response and impact I am looking for. Odly enough my old Quad 303 amp colecting dust offered up some pretty good impact, just a little dated in some ways. This probably confirms my feelings regrding the need for SS and hefty power supply, which the Quad is known for. I also need some help with the correct size stands for these too. Any and all help is appreciated. BTW, room size is aprox-12x15x8 Thanks as always for your time.
I have recently purchased a NAIM NAIT 5i for my Compact 7s.

Since your room is relatively small (mine is 12x12x9) I can endorse this combination even with the 50 watt/channel amp section. I'm preferring this to my previous Audio Refinement Complete integrated. I felt that Harbeth got me out of the upgrade cycle; I can see myself living with the 7 for many years. I have the same satisfaction so far with the NAIM 5i. (I'm also quite happy with the NAT 05 tuner)
A Harbeth dealer in the UK used to recommend Densen B-100. 60wpc into 8Ohms, 120wpc into 4Ohms.

I've never heard the compact 7s but I own the B-100 and it's a wonderful little amp ... Naim Nait like drive but with better transparency and sweeter treble.

Glad you found the source of the low-end vibration. However, it seems that the C7s are indeed vulberable to some mild buzz at very low bass extremes, at high volume. I wa playing one of Stereophile's reference CDs the other day, and on a Stanley Clarke track the lowest registers of the acoustic bass caused some buzz-type vibration. Never heard it under any other circumstances, and it disappeared when I backed my amp off a bit. I guess $2500 speakers have to have a least a few limitations. Even so, I love 'em.