Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?
Don't dismiss the Mini. The name and their sizes are truly misleading.
Hi Dan,

To hear the model 6's do drums or Rock is truly a treat. There is a sense of speed in the low end that defies the size of the driver. Yet, at the same time, the high end is sweet and mid's are very dense and with great detail. In short - this speaker is balanced defined.

While the aesthetics aren't for everyone, these are "the last you'll ever need to buy" type of speakers. Love them or hate them, the Magico's (Mini and Model 6's) take build quality and execution to the extreme. Mr. Wolf's passion for excellence is undeniable ... in terms of both style and subtance. Looking forward to your observations when you get a chance to audition.

Yes indeed, I have been following Mr Wolf “projects” with outmost attention. Being an Engineer myself, I find his approach to speaker building extremely refine and, for a change, scientifically minded. I hope to have the opportunity to hear the Model 6 soon.
I have heard the MM twice at local dealer. Impressive for first 10 minutes or so. Fatiguing to the ears after that. HiFi-ish to the extreme.
If uncolored, dynamic, linear, low distortion wide band sound fatigues you, then yes, the MM can be too much…
But seriously, I can not imagine a fatigue listening to a properly set up MM. Why don’t you tell us more about the setup you heard?