Has anybody compared Lessloss and Shunyata pcs

I,m running Arcam av-8 pre pro and bryston 7b-sstx3 and
a balanced 240 Torus 15a Isolation component.Just wondering if anybody has compared say shunyata python helixes(which I'm using now) to the Lessloss pcs.
I have the lessloss pcs on order for my 7b-ssts,I don't know what to expect,if they're equal to my python helixes then that'll be just fine.I won't be TRYING to listen,I'm hoping that they'll give me more musicality(of course I'm limited to what I have for components also).If not I definately have
excellant backup.
Drummermichell, When I changed out my cord to a Lessloss cord for my Amp I found a clearer, cleaner high end with no high end rolloff like the Shunyatas. when I changed out the cords to other components It gave me different results but positive ones.
I know, as you probably know when we read reviews one after another; each saying how much better one equipment upgrade is over another. I guess upgrades are called 'upgrades' because they do improve sound reproduction. So here goes another review now commenting on LessLoss DFPC; and I must say how noticeable the improvement is, especially if you upgrade your entire system with DFPC. There's a sort of coherence, something like a 'feel of unity' or holistic presence, when your system is using DFPC.
Now, the improvement is so drastic that I would safely claim that even your partner - in my case it was my girlfriend - will comment on it's impact.
One year later,I'm all cabled up with the Lessloss.
Totally NO regrets whatsoever.Musicality,better than ever.
I did a few upgrades(not cables)All my hydras are replaced by Torus PIUs.Monsterous improvement.The Torus gives me more
power in reserve for my amps than the wall can give(music loves extra power for dynamics) and protection.Musically happy indeed,another major improvement.I'm glad I listen to my ears.
Cables and conditioners,the hunt is over.
I wish we all had opportunities to compare various products so we can listen for ourselves,then WE"LL KNOW(HEAR).