Has anyoe had problems using the mint LP tractor

I have just spent about 2 or 3 hours trying to reset my cartridge using my newly acquired Mint LP Tractor and quite frankly I have found the whole experience very frustrating. I have put it down to inexperience on my part and aging eyesight........... surely I can't be the only person who has experienced difficulties, although reading the various threads here on the tractor it's beginning to look like I am!!! I intend having another attempt in a day or so, in the meantime any advice from the 'professionals' would be welcome.
I have posted about this previously.

I too couldn't seem to really see what is going on with the Mint LP. I looked far and wide for fiber optic devices that could get me in close to see the alignment, and took a chance that this would work, which it does very well.


It's a bit expensive at over $200 with shipping, but it is invaluable in terms of getting a good view. I should email Yip about this, but he might be hesitant to recommend a viewing device that is twice as expensive as his protractor.
Is the problem really that the markings are so small?

Or is everyone just missing a set of eyeglasses with the proper prescription lenses?
Has anyone used the Mint LP to check alignment AFTER setting up a cartridge on a Phantom using the Graham cartridge mounting device? If so, was there was difference?
Nice tool Emailist. As my presbyopia creeps with age such a tool will become valuable for this kind of work.


yes, the lines are smaller. This is why the MintLP is different from any other arc protractor. The finer the lines, the more precise the target. Aligning to a more precise location (stay between the lines. the lines are our friends.)is what results in the increase in performance all of us get with this tool.

I have found the Graham jig to be fairly off compared to what the mint unit gave me. Anyone else.