Has anyone added a second belt to their VPI Scout

I am thinking about adding a second belt to my VPI scout turntable. Has anyone tried this? And if so, what were your results?
I haven't tried it but I don't think it would work, (at least not well). The motor spindle is tapered so if you're talking two belts and one motor I think that you'd have problems as the belt on the larger groove would be turning the platter faster than the one on the smaller groove and I would guess buckling or slipping would ensue. I could be completely wrong though.
Just experimenting. I've seen multiple belts on other turntables and thought that it is a cheap enough tweek that somebody may have already done it. By the way on my Scout the pulley is not tapered.
Oh, I thought it was to allow fine adjustment of the speed. It's been a while since I've owned one. The Scoutmaster pulley is tapered for that purpose. I suppose it should work then. I've seen some other tables do that although I'm not sure what the expected benefits are.

What the heck, it's not like it's a bad idea to have a spare belt around so you might as well try it and see what it does. Good luck