Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?

I have a Primaluna Dialogue HP Premium with stock EL34s.  When the EL34s wear out, which I suspect will be a long time, what would I replace them with?  The KT150 is intriguing to me. 

Has anyone compared these tubes, especially in Primaluna gear?  I'm wondering if I would lose the EL34s midrange in exchange for the increased power of KT150s.  It's hard to find, however, a bad review of anyone using KT150s. 

Thanks all!  
FWIW ..  Before plugging in a higher output example of the 6550,  PLEASE insure the amplifier design will handle the higher load.
Contact the designer of the amp and ask them if there may be a problem.  Without question, it WILL be a tearful experience when flipping the switch and not clearing the launch pad..  pc
I just realized that I hadn't followed up.  The KT150s are really amazing.  I have been using them for a few weeks, and I just keep smiling.  They provided both power and finesse with a great soundstage.  Nice bass, and an amazing midrange.  Very coherent from top to bottom.  Highly recommended.  

I just may try the KT150 in my HP after hearing the results of this thread. 

Not being able to use the cage however, is a negative. Maybe no big deal since I don't have any small children/pets running around.

In my opinion, everyone commenting about sound quality on a dual-mode amp like the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium should indicate whether their observations apply to ultralinear mode, or triode mode, or both, if that is the case.