Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?

I have seen several ads. and read bits and pieces of info. from Legacy. However, being in the military I haven't had the chance to make it to a show to listen to these speakers. I would like to hear your comments, good or bad. I believe my ears will make the final determination, but are they worth giving a listen? Thanks.
I listen to the new Focus HD's and these have to be the best kept secret on the market today! I think they are the best bang for the buck that I have ever seen on the market so far. They just came out with a Focus SE model that is said to be even better!
Legacy took the cabinet design of the new Classic HD and made the Focus SE plus stronger bracing with some wiring and tweaking. More than one customer has suggested that the SE Focus should be the new HD model and drop the box design.
09-18-08: Sthomas12321
Legacy rocks! All this and a 10 year warranty!

There is no doubt that Legacy rocks....and does it very well. I lived with Legacy speakers for over 13 years, so I know. However, as I aged (DAMMIT!!!!), I also found my musical tastes changed too. I became more interested in listening to jazz, blues and folk (vocals). Since that time, I have found speakers that perform better in the midrange than the Legacy speakers do.

However, they are still my top recommended speakers for rockers!

Jmcgrogan, it's interesting how your preference in music changed, along with your equipment. I think this is pretty common. Do you recall your rig when you had the Legacy's in it, and your rig now? It would be interesting for us to see them both listed, to have an example of what you're talking about. You obviously have been in search of a rich midrange. What did you put together as far as a system to satisfy your change in musical taste?