Has there been any inexpensive item that enhanced your system's sound?

For me it was an inexpensive power cord that was laying around for years, a Pangea AC9.  I have it connected to my Yamaha A S2000.  I've tried the stock cord on the Yamaha and then some of my other cords, (Wireworld, VH Flavor 4, Acronlink/Oyaide custom cord and a MAC). I've had lots of amps and integrated amps over the years, and this is the first time the Pangea contributed to making better sound. It surprised me because I had tossed it aside and forgot about it.  Power cord performance is such a crap-shoot and dependent on so many other variables in the audio chain.  Any inexpensive item you've come across that enhanced your system's sound? 
In the late 90’s I purchased a Naim Wiremold power strip for $60.00. 9 heavy duty outlets wired in series connected by a busbar. Solid aluminum case. No lights, no fuses, no off/on button. Basically all power, no filter and a heavy duty captive grounded power cord.

Approved by and endorsed by Naim Audio to be sold by Naim Audio distributors to be used with Naim gear. Non current limiting. Instructions were to plug the highest current draw closest to the power cord and work your way back through your system to the least. Amp, Preamp, CD, Dac....... best $60 bucks ever.

They went out of sight for a gew years but AV Options.com carries newer higher performance versions along with Cryogenic properties. Additional power Cords can be purchased as well.

If interested, Google Stereophile.com and search Naim Wiremold.

Ayre Irrational but Efficacious! CD. I just got it today and ran it through my system and though I don't know what the heck it does, it does it very, very well.

If you decide to get a copy, go with Elusive Disc as they have the best price and lowest shipping costs. 

All the best,
Having my vintage JMW tone arm and junction box rewired with Nordost Valhalla 2. The cost for labor, wire and return shipping from VPI? $150. The improvement over the original Discovery wire? Phenomenal. I laughed out loud.
Original Magic Eraser for your stylus every now and then.
Zerodust stylus cleaner.
A correctly measured for height, Herbies washer under your lps.
Machina Dynamica springs between your support structure and your favorite platform for any of your electronics.
I've also found the Maestro outlets superior to the Porter Ports.
Cleaning your electrical contacts.