I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec
In my industry the old saying was “your first loss is your best loss”.  Meaning that insulting offer you turned down won’t look so bad 8 months from now when you are still sitting with unused equipment while it ages.  Which really bothers some owners because their rationale is “just listen to it, it sounds great!”.  And by extension, it MUST be worth more.

From a different angle, if I buy a speaker new, and 5 months later the manufacturer introduces an update version, my older version drops in perceived value even more than just depreciation.  But aside from manufacturers of real quality (Bryston 20 year unconditional warranty), other manufacturers HAVE to keep introducing upgrades or new models to generate interest and sales.  

But the key to it all is the market size.  If more new people come in at different price levels (depending on their disposable $) then they feed off the new and used market. So they generate purchases as they climb for better equipment and generate sales of used stuff when they tire of it.  So long as there is a buying pool, there is enough demand to keep the resale values in order. 
Which is the scary reality I suspect is going on...I have cases of movies on VCR tapes. I can lower my price to zero and it won’t sell.
You really have to base your prices off of what other folks have listed in the past. Most everyone goes to hifishark.com and does this quick research. If I want to buy a product that is listed for $1300 and I see that a mint one sold and was listed for $900, there is no real point in offering $900 as the seller will be insulted. 
It’s the Peter Principle. Agon leadership had taken a system that worked, was fair, easy to navigate and cost-effective for sellers.......and decided to change all that. They have risen to their level of incompetence and taken all the 
aforementioned qualities away. Unhappy sellers equal fewer ads, fewer ads equal fewer buyers,
fewer buyers equal lower price ceiling, and on and on.
well I'm 48 and entered the audiophile on a fluke about five years ago.  I have loved my journey, learning about tubes and vintage gear mostly, and am lucky to have the disposable income to have bought a dozen pair of speakers and amps in that time (a couple on the 'gon).  But I can say this; all my friends and family think I'm nuts.  I was able to pass on some equipment to my brother-in-law (at super good prices), but other than that, none of my contemporaries are interested in HEA.  The ones who can afford it are content with Onkyo/Denon or more interested in streaming and built in sonos.  Almost no one has the ears for good sound now; they're listening to youtube through earbuds.  (though many of my friends have learned to listen to vinyl at my place).  In the pre-internet era audiophilia was a legit hobby, but the TV won and now we're just a nation of idiots.  And, of course, half the few new audiophiles are content with quite affordable Chinese gear.
Took took it to heart. Reduced price. Now at 1/3 retail price. Purchased boosts etc. Let’s see.