Have you ever downgraded deliberately?

At the start of my Audiophile journey i had a Marantz PM8004 with a Proton D1200. Klipsch RF-82 Speakers and Marantz CD player. I had entry lv Cardas speaker wire. The system sounded very good and very musical.

If i’m honest i still miss that pre amp - amp combo. At the moment i have 2 Higher Fidelity 138 monoblocks and a black Threshold fet 10HE modded. Wadia 9 classic dac and Wadia transport. Soundwise it’s much better than before. But still i think about that suberb Proton and Marantz. Maybe i’m becoming a bit jaded with the hobby..... I sold Both components with a heavy heart. And wonder what would happen if i downgrade to a similar system (better speakers ofcourse).

I want to hear some downgrade stories of fellow Audiophiles. Why they did it, where they came from system wise. And if they are more happy with a lesser system.

A couple of months ago i heard some Apogees "Duetta sigs" It rocked my world. Because most speakers are ugly, and sound mediocre. This was totally different from a design and sound point of view. It was perfect in my book. Never had that before. I'm trying very hard to scrounge up the $ to obtain it.

My gf also liked the Proton D1200 looks. What if i sell most of my stuff downgrade and Buy that Apogee with the Proton amp and a cool looking CD player? Looks are very important in my living room i guess. Maybe more than audio nirvana


i've had to down size due to moving a lot, smaller spaces, financial reasons when my daughter got into an expensive university. every time it was a rebuild but with age comes experience and I've found satisfying music in all sorts of price points and I've found you don't always need to spend big bucks to get enjoyable music.

one thing i've recently found is higher efficiency can get you closer to bliss for less money if you don't need or can't use the lowest bass (can't use as in condo-loft-apartment).

Selling to buy is not an option. I LIKE the junk I own. And would just buy the same stuff all over again. So thanks but no thanks for the idea.
So, downgrading can be good, it might give you an opportunity to think about how to go higher than before, helps you get disengaged from your current "junk" you are in love with.  
Downgrading is not the same as downsizing. You can downsize and maintain the same or even better sound quality.