Have you seen the VR9SE Review?

There is a new review that has been posted on Positive Feedback Online (http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue26/lavigne_vr9.htm) about the Von Schweikert VR9SE speakers. It is very different than any review I have read in the way it chronicles the experience of Mike Lavigne over the past year and a half's experiences with these speakers.


This was a great review. Congratulations.

I believe a review which took one year of listening (not one year to write) carries considerably more credibility than somthing written based on quick impression which is usually arbitrary. Of course, you have to live with a component long enough to know it well and how to bring the best out of it, before passing a verdict.

I guess if every reviewer put in that kinda of time no one would ever read a review of an out of date speaker. Most speakers dont have the number of tweaks that the reviewed speaker has. Should an engineered room that is treated to the nines have these issues? A treated room should allow you to hear the speakers, not the way the speakers sound in the room. Thats my opinion. Not to say anything bad about the reviewer or the speakers, it sounds like the guy has a great situation and many great experiences.
Holenneck (btw, nice moniker), the speakers were personal purchases and not review samples. the review was not central to my direction. i purchased the 3rd retail set built of these speakers so it wasn't going to be out-of-date anytime soon.

i happen to disagree with your premise that the room should be adapted to the speakers.....even though most of us are stuck with that program. rooms are forever (at least relative to speakers) and are way more spendy than a speaker when done right. if one has the opportunity to design the perfect room first; and then find the correct speaker for it.....there is a much better chance of success. this thinking is basically my whole premise for building my room and then choosing the VR9's. also; you won't really know whether the speaker actually works correctly until the room is measured with that speaker playing in that room. if there are then 'issues' there becomes lots of finger pointing. it was much easier for me to figure out what sort of speaker i needed for my new room after hearing and measuring the Kharma Exquisites in the new room.

some rooms are designed for particular speakers; but after going thru the design process my perspective is that that approach would end up being quite frustrating in the long run but maybe easier in the short run.

i respect your right to disagree.

i went thru 9 years of quite intense efforts to adapt my existing room to my speakers. it was a success on some levels but ultimately had clear limits of how far i could go and frustrated me.

i am frustrated no longer.
like i said, you have the ability to do these things due to a larger bank account. my post wasnt addressed towards you as much as the guy who posted before me.

You personally dialed your speakers to your room and thats what it is all about.

Whats up with VS, is he selling speakers online now?
Yes I did read the entire article and I stand by my earlier comments. I certainly didn't mean any disrespect towards Mikelavigne (and I don't think he took it that way), but even he describes the article as less than a review.

One think I wish he would comment on is the after purchase supports from both Rives and VS. How did they assist him in getting the performance his system is capable of delivering?