Headphones as Models for Speakers? Interesting Read from Herb Reichert - Opinions Please

I came across this article by Herb over the weekend and found it very interesting [https://www.audiostream.com/content/problem-loudspeakers ]. He argues for speakers that are/have...

"... full-range, crossover-less, benign impedance, high sensitivity, and direct connective-ness, [and] that headphones ... should – and could – be a model for floor-standing audiophile speakers."

As an architect by profession, the less is more argument resonates with me on many levels. I’ve also found this to be true for this strange hobby we all enjoy, recently experimenting with passive preamps; I have found them to be truly transparent and revealing. One less power supply polluting the signal, less over-redundant gain, etc.

Does anyone have opinions of the article? The only manufacture that I can find that actively markets a simple crossover-less design is ZU Audio, and from what I have seen people have mixed reviews of their speakers. Are there any speakers that come to mind that are already using this methodology for design?

From my understanding the truly difficult part of what Herb is arguing for are
"...full-range transducers with high ruler-flat impedances".
Is this outside of our physical capabilities as the driver scales up from headphones to loudspeakers? Any thoughts would be appreciated, there are a lot of folks out there with a lot more knowledge than I have.
The OHM Walsh speakers are the closest to the ideal full-range driver concept. Never had mass appeal because they are not BOXES! People are CONDITIONED to expect a speaker to look like a BOX! Hence they won't listen and instead spend their money on expensive BOXES! Disclaimer: I am an owner and speak from experience!
The other truly difficult part of Herb's ideal is the "direct connective-ness".  Headphones can connect directly to your ears.  Speakers have to interact with the room.  
There are lots of single driver speakers that run full range with no crossover.  
He is full of it. Nothing beats good speakers. Headphones aren’t even close.